Friday, December 26, 2008

The next level.......

Yay I finally got my new Website for Christmas!!!!
Thank you Santa!!

Im so happy to finally take my business to a new level in 2009. 2008 has been a great! Now im ready to really push to the next level.

In November my sister came down and we did some sister shots together-it was so much fun! It is so hard when you dont have your family close to you, so I cherish all the memories we create when we are together. Here are some shots from our session that day-which also included my incredibly adorable nephew Talon-He is the cutest toddler in the world!! Okay so I am a bit biased lol

And above is one of me and one of my my Sisters-I am the older one to the right...I guess I get to be older and wiser and she gets to be younger and cuter-SO NOT FAIR! lol

I hope you will check back often to see what I am rambling about in the coming weeks lol

For all my Brides, Models and Clients-Thank you for a Great 2008!

Have a Wonderful and Safe Holiday week!

Abbott Photography
Old Website: (still up and running)
New Website:
(615) 754-0113